First, let me say I’ve been dating the greatest guy ever. He’s kind, caring, handsome and it’s been the best few months of my life relationship wise. Last week, I got a little nosy and decided to check his phone when he left it home while going out. Yes, I know, not my finest moment. But I wanted to make sure he wasn’t talking with other women.
So I opened his phones and checked his texts, his emails, his photos and looked for any dating apps. Good news there were no red flags.
Then I got curious and downloaded NticeMe, the dating app we met on, I signed into his account and saw that it was paused/not active. Again green flags, my boyfriend is great.
I even read all his old conversations to see if he had texted anyone during our time together and again, everything checked out, all the conversations were old.
But here’s the problem. Looking through his list of old matches I was struck by how beautiful all these women were and it wasn’t just that they were beautiful. I’m telling you, the list seemed endless. My boyfriend literally had messaged and spoken with some incredible women. Our conversation didn’t stand out at all and some of these women weren’t just beautiful, but incredibly accomplished. I’m talking Doctors, Executives, women I envy.
So here’s my problem. Nothing I found regarding my boyfriend was a red flag. As far as I can tell he’s been 100% faithful, but now I’m left feeling utterly insecure. I mean why me? This man had his pick from so many incredible and beautiful women and it makes me feel a bit small.
In all my prior relationships I had always felt I was the prize. If I’m being honest, I felt most men were lucky to date me, but seeing his options I sort of feel totally replaceable. Like if I make one false move he’s just going to hop back online and move on to the next beautiful woman on his list.
How do I get my mojo back and feel like I’m the prize?
- Shouldn’t have snooped
Dear Shouldn’t have snooped,
Well let’s get the good stuff out of the way congratulations on your on having a great boyfriend! But to your question specifically, let’s be clear this was definitely a you problem. You chose to snoop on your boyfriend’s phone without any reasonable suspicion and now you’re upset that your great boyfriend attracts many incredible women. Incredible people tend to do this.
I think what you need to figure out (and the best way to do this is by asking) is find out what your boyfriend loves about you specifically. You may find it’s not even something you’ve valued in yourself in the past.
The point is once you know what they like about you can strive to share that facet of yourself as much as possible.
I’m not sure this will make you feel like ‘the prize’ but feeling that the effort you put into the relationship is being valued and reciprocated is the prize.
- DatingAppNews
Love and Cryptocurrency

I've been talking to someone I met on Tinder, and it's quite the journey. Right from the start, she caught my attention - her pictures, her smarts, it all just clicked for me. We've been chatting non-stop, and I've found myself really falling for her, even though we've never met in person. She’s honestly everything I’ve been looking for in a woman.
For some reason, every time I bring up an in person date, she finds a way to dodge it. I don’t know why she does that. She says she’s not yet ready and that it takes time for her to feel safe enough in a relationship and if I can just be patient. That’s fine, this woman is worth waiting for.
Lately, we've started talking about putting money into cryptocurrencies. She seems to know a lot about it and thinks we could make some good money together. I'm even thinking about using some of my retirement savings to try it out. She said that if we make enough profits, we can plan a trip to Greece together and spend some romantic time on an island...
My questions are, do you think she will trust me enough to meet after we make some money together? I’ve really fallen for this woman and want to marry her some day and I just want to know how to make her feel safe
- Hopeless romantic
Dear Hopeless Romantic,
Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT invest money with a complete stranger you’ve never met in person before. Think about it, what type of person isn’t comfortable meeting in person but would be willing to share valuable trading secrets with you? It doesn’t happen.
People who know valuable secrets treat them like valuable secrets. People looking for a romantic partner want to talk on the phone and meet in person.
I would halt all conversations involving money or investing or anything other than meeting in person and if they aren’t interested in meeting in person, you have your answer.
- DatingAppNews